Hey Portlanders, you like beer festivals? You’ll love this weekend: Zoo Brew, Firken Fest, and Amnesia Single Hop Fest. Round out your weekend with a Midnight Movie, a disaster preparedness expo, and more!
The 12th annual Village Building Convergence (VBC), a ten-day placemaking festival that combines crowdsourced activism, creative community development, hands-on education and celebration, takes place in Portland from May 25 through June 3, 2012.
“We will come together to create benches, community kiosks, gardens, street paintings, tile mosaics, and more!” [more]
Rose Festival CityFair, part of Portland’s Official Festival, is open for three full weekends starting on Memorial Day weekend. This amazing metropolitan fair features local beer, live exotic animals, a wide variety of shopping in the CityFair Shopping Center, a brand new ride, special attractions and a customized fireworks show choreographed to your favorite classic rock hits on opening night! [more]
The 6th annual Zoo Brew takes place Friday, June 1, 2012 at the Oregon Zoo from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
“Kick off the dog days of summer in style and raise a glass to the Oregon Zoo. Bring your pack to sample artisan beer and cider from more than 60 regional breweries.” [more]
The cortandfatboy Midnight Movie: Total Recall
Total Recall is the featured film at the cortandfatboy Midnight Movie, on Friday, June 1, 2012 at the Bagdad Theater (3702 SE Hawthorne).
“And thus begins our Summer of Schwarzenegger.
Normally, we try to augment the summer blockbuster season by pulling from bonafides from the past. Hollywood spits out a Transformers movie, we decide to show Raiders of the Lost Ark. Fast Five is coming to town? That’s cool, we’re showing Top Gun. That kinda thing.” [more]
Resilience: A Community Disaster Preparedness Expo
Resilience: A Community Disaster Preparedness Expo takes place Saturday, June 2, 2012 at King School (4906 NE 6th) from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“ResiliencePDX is an event to connect Portlanders who want to acquire or share knowledge and skills about disaster preparedness.” [more]
Rogue Ales will host the 5th Annual Firkin Fest at the Green Dragon. The Firkin Fest will feature beers from 30 of Oregon’s top breweries. Firkin beers are unpasteurized, unfiltered, naturally carbonated in the cask and served at cellar temperature. Artisan cheeses, chocolates and meats will accompany. Proceeds benefit Buckman Elementary School. [more]
“One of last year’s surprise hits was Amnesia Brewing’s first-time Single Hop Fest. The small fest held at the N Mississippi Avenue brewery features all locally-made beers that use only one variety of hop. This year the fest returns to Amnesia on June 2nd with some new and returning beers.” [more at The New School]
Rose Festival Starlight Parade
Welcome to the Sparkling Side of the Portland Rose Festival!
The Portland General Electric/SOLVE Starlight Parade offers funky, eclectic fun for the whole family. One of our most popular events, the parade draws more than 250,000 spectators to downtown Portland. [more]
And for even more weekend events and activities, check out the Dave Knows Calendar, and visit Around the Sun, Blogging Portland on the Cheap, PDX Pipeline, and Oregon Events at OregonLive.com.
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