The Wake of Vanport, multimedia works produced by the 2014 Vanport Multimedia Project, will be publicly screened for the first time at 2 PM Saturday, November 15, 2014 at the Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church (3138 N Vancouver Ave).
“The Wake of Vanport” honors the death of a city and the viewing of its history through the collection of Vanport stories told by the voices of those who lived there. It is also a celebration of life after loss. Vanport is a lost city of Oregon with a rich history for all Oregonians.
Discussions with the survivors and producers will follow the presentation, which is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
The Vanport Multimedia Project is a production of the North Portland Multimedia Training Center (NPMTC), which aims to to collect and archive oral history from individuals in the Portland African American community.
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