qPDX‘s Alley Hector and Perry Eising (aka the lovely British/German accented Perry Winkle) will be guests on Morning Submission this Thursday, June 17th. Listen live on PDX.FM at 8am.
We’re in the midst of Pride Week 2010, so who better to talk to than the woman behind qPDX, Portland’s premier site for queer news, views and events.
Alley is looking forward to it:
I’m really hoping they’ll have one of their infamous drink tastings, seeing as surely I won’t have had enough the night before, nor will I have any the rest of the weekend. Drunk at only my 4th day of the new jobby. Sweet!
As for what we will be discussing, besides the incredibly ambiguous “Pride” is anybody’s guess. Their conversations usually consist of things like exploding cocks, neck brace organizers and bastardizing the English language.
And of course if you can’t listen live, find the recorded show a few hours after the broadcast at MorningSubmission.com and iTunes.